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Revising the UNESCO 1974 Recommendation


Participate in UNESCO survey to shape global policy on transformative education for peace, human rights & sustainability

UNESCO is conducting a global survey to collect information that will help revise a landmark legal instrument on education for international understanding, cooperation, peace, human rights and environmental sustainability, known as the 1974 Recommendation. Given the growing call for education to address sustainability challenges that have evolved dramatically over the past five decades, such as the climate crisis, we invite you to participate in the process of revising the 1974 Recommendation. Share your views on how to reflect and address these changes in the new instrument. Now is the time to ensure your voice is heard and counted. Take the 10-minute survey, share it with your networks and help shape global policy on education. The deadline for responding is 1 March 2022. The survey is available in ENGLISH / FRENCH / SPANISH For more information on how UNESCO is supporting the revision of the 1974 Recommendation visit our dedicated website.

NB – This survey is a broad multistakeholder and initial consultation that will contribute to the technical consultation process currently being supported by UNESCO. A formal consultation with country representatives is also foreseen but at a later stage. For more information on the different phases of the revision process, please consult the above dedicated website. Secretariat for the Review of the 1974 Recommendation:

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