REIMAGINING OUR FUTURES TOGETHER: A new social contract for education
This is the title of the report of the UNESCO Futures of Education initiative which started its work two years ago. The International Commission was chaired by the President of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Her Excellency President Sahle-Work Zewde.
Around a million of people joined the inquiry in the process through events and meetings, position papers and statements. The International Council for Adult Education (ICAE) contributed Adult Learning and Education – Because the Future Cannot Wait.
This new report stands in the tradition of earlier UNESCO reports which shaped our thinking and practice of education in the perspective of lifelong learning: In 1972 it was Edgar Faure et al. with Learning to be: The world of education today and tomorrow and in 1996 by Jacques Delors et al. Learning: the treasure within.
The discourse on the future of education will continue, and we are invited to continue sharing our ideas, hopes and fears, experiences and examples.
For further information