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Lifelong Education and Adult Education in Thailand

Archanya Ratana-Ubol

Lifelong Education in Thailand places significant emphasis on learning that takes place throughout all phases of life, encompassing workplace, interpersonal communication, social, and personal development. The importance of lifelong Education lies in its ability to enable individuals to be equipped to handle changes in everyday life and to navigate continuous growth in all aspects of life. 


Adult Education in Thailand refers to educational activities and programs designed for adults. The Department of Learning Promotion under the Ministry of Education has responsibilities for Lifelong Education and Adult Education. The department’s duty is to promote and to support learning in the following facets: 1) Lifelong learning: The department advocates and promotes individuals to engage in continuous learning throughout their lives, regardless of their ages. It supports individuals in acquiring new skills and knowledge for personal development and lifelong learning growth. 2) Self-development learning: The department is responsible for facilitating and nurturing individuals in their pursuit of learning to enhance their skills for work advancement or to prepare themselves for their careers of interest. 3) Qualification-based learning: The department provides support to individuals to pursue educational opportunities that lead to achieving desired qualifications, encompassing the attainment of high school diplomas or university degrees. In addition to these responsibilities, the department may also promote and support learning in other forms that would be beneficial to the public.


In 2023, adult education in Thailand has assumed great significance in shaping a knowledgeable and resilient society. Thai authorities have been promoting and embarking on initiatives that foster professional development and personal enrichment. 


Recently, The Promotion of Learning Act of B.E. 2566 (2023) has been launched. The prominent objective of promoting the learning of the Department of Learning Promotion under the Ministry of Education is to develop individuals to be well-rounded; encompassing physical, mental, emotional, social, and intellectual aspects. They are expected to be virtuous, disciplined, aware of rights and responsibilities, proud, and conscious of the importance of nation, religion, monarchy, and democratic governance. They should aspire to become citizens who can live harmoniously with others in Thai and global societies, to possess learning skills, vocational skills, and life skills. Additionally, they ought to have opportunities to enhance or adapt their skills according to their changing circumstances. This aligns with UNESCO’s global efforts to advance the Education 2030 Agenda, emphasizing lifelong learning as a foundation for building equitable, just, and prosperous societies (UNESCO, 2016).


About the Author

Archanya Ratana-Ubol specialization spans across adult education, human resource

development, lifelong learning, and out-of-school education. Her written works and

research articles delve into subjects like non-formal education, lifelong learning, and

education for adults and the elderly. Currently, Archanya Ratana-Ubol holds the

position of an adjunct professor at Chulalongkorn University, Faculty of Education.

Additionally, she was honored to be inducted into The International Adult and

Continuing Education Hall of Fame (IACEHOF) in 2017. Email:



The Royal Gazette Thailand. (2023). The Promotion of Learning Act of B.E. 2566.

Retrieved from


UNESCO. (2016). Education 2030 Framework for Action: Towards inclusive and equitable

and lifelong learning for all.  

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